Thursday, February 22, 2007


John rolled the stones across his hands, over the palm and the fingers, and back again trying to hide its brilliance from his eyes. He knew it was wrong to keep it, but all he thought about was money. Money to leave his poor background. Money to take care of his mom and sister. Money to record his album he'd been working on for years. He could feel the stones' edges graze his skin, seducing him to keep them.

John stared at a well-dressed man having lunch with another pampered colleague. She was Barbie come alive, blonde hair, blue eyes and a sexy, revealing pick mini dress. He felt his gaze lower from her face, then snapped back to the man. Cool, suave, and loaded. John felt out of place, but he came here to persuade himself. He would live the lifestyle of those people. He would know the value of money.

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