Sunday, January 28, 2007


each shell was separated into their distinct category. bivalvia, scaphopoda, gastropoda. meticulously scripted labels in white. but there was one group that stood out. amāre. a collection of shells of no scientific purpose but of memories. the jagged fragment of a sand dollar missing its matching piece where the arrowhead breathed. an eroded cockle molded smooth by sea tales. sprinkles of coquinas lay next to the partial curvature of gold, white and sunset of a pear whelk. each piece in its incomplete form stood to offer more than the others. a tribute to the heart.


Kristan said...

wow. that entry is way cooler than mine would have been, 'cause you know all the shell names. funny/interesting what a difference details can make.

Angie said...

i got to be honest, i had to cheat because i definitely didn't remember or know all the names. but i left a space for each shell that i pictured in my mind so i could fill them in with their rightful name.

Kristan said...

lol it's ok, i forgive you :P