Tuesday, May 1, 2007


we're only taking turns holding this world
it's how it's always been
when you're older you will understand

Every word out of his mouth was boastful. How he overcame numerous inexplicable complications. How grand he seemed to be his guest mused.

"But what about...," I lingered in my thought before collecting myself. He stared at me, eyes narrowed, but not with anger but fear. I didn't understand it at first, until I realized he knew how much of his weaknesses I understood. I hesitated at my power, words able to break any pillars he erected in his name. Those 30 seconds dueled between our unblinking eyes, waiting for the other to move.

I shook my head and allowed him to continue without finishing my thought. He shifted his weight back towards his guests, numbing his speech a little for me.

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