Tuesday, June 5, 2007


oily marks appear on walls where pleasure moments hung before the takeover, the sweeping insensitivity of this still life

"Look at you, you're beaming," she said when I saw her since the semester ended. This was when I still dreamed in movies and pleasure moments. I'd imagine my arrival greeted with a bevy of flowers and 2 1/2 week-old touch. Meticulous plans to blend our transition into fluid. I kept pretending.

Her smile was so comforting, when ignorance was easy. She congratulated me asking, "When are you leaving?"

If she saw me now, just a few days later, she'd wonder what happened to that girl. Where did I lose my smile? Through the empty mob I pushed through to the walkway and hailed a cab. She would never know the four bags worth of weight. She would never see the power of being crushed.

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