Saturday, May 26, 2007


It was one of those moments you watch in the theater, where they guy and girl are standing at the same location where they first profuse their love for each other. There's a hug and a kiss, and the sparkling eyes full of tears. The movie fades to black and the credits roll back to reality where he finds himself standing opposite a girl that for five years has disappeared out of his life. Why? Because he said so.

She's looking at him with inquisitive eyes, and it seems that they're about to recreate the classic scene he's seen a million times in the movies. Everything is extremely lucid, even the sky is empty blue. He tries to tell her this time, tell her differently that he was wrong. He didn't mean for all this time to pass, to forget what she smelled like, to forget the way her forehead wrinkled when she is upset. But she just shakes her head, silence blowing by, and he closes the gap between his lips. Because she said so.

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